@article{oai:iwate-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000739, author = {菊池, 潤 and 野村, 豊子 and KIKUCHI, Jun and NOMURA, Toyoko}, issue = {2}, journal = {岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Welfare, Iwate Prefectural University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purposes of this research are to make clear falling behavior in a nursing home, Shojuso, and to evaluate the practice of prevention for falling in this home. Analyzing the incident reports of one and half year, it was found that main causes of falling were insufficient movement ability and risk hedge ability of users, which could not adapt them to physical, psychological and environmental changes in daily life. A program for the 8 users was made to give the information and know-how of prevention for falling. This program was evaluated by the test of bodily function, self-efficacy for falling prevention, and other evaluations by themselves and staffs. As for each evaluation, the effects of this program and suggestions for use in next steps were found., 7, KJ00004248892, 研究ノート, Note}, pages = {53--60}, title = {養護老人ホームにおける転倒リスクと転倒予防教室の実践}, volume = {6}, year = {2004}, yomi = {キクチ, ジュン and ノムラ, トヨコ} }