@article{oai:iwate-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001882, author = {上林, 美保子 and 岸, 恵美子 and 佐藤, 眞理 and 阿部, 亜希子 and 黒田, 裕子 and 佐藤, 睦子 and 中板, 育美 and 福島, 富士子 and 横山, 美江 and 平野, かよ子 and Uebayashi, Mihoko and Kishi, Emiko and Sato, Mari and Abe, Akiko and Kuroda, Yuko and Sato, Mutuko and Nakaita, Ikumi and Fukushima, Fujiko and Yokoyama, Yoshie and Hirano, Kayoko}, journal = {岩手県立大学看護学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of Nursing, Iwate Prefectural University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は東日本大震災の発災時から現在までの岩手県の保健師活動を記録に残し,保健師に求められる役割や能力と,解決されずに残された母子保健活動の課題を明らかにすることにある.岩手県沿岸部保健所保健師・市町村保健師22 名にグループインタビュー調査を実施した.その結果「情報」「物資」「人的支援」に関連する課題が抽出され,その解決には平時からの「母子との密接な関係性」「母子情報の安全な保管・管理体制の構築」と非常事態の際の「保健師の役割の明確化」が必要と判断された., The aim of the present study was to record the activities of public health nurses in Iwate Prefecture following the occurrence of the Great East Japan Earthquake and up to the present day, in order to elucidate the roles of public health nurses and the abilities they require, and to reveal problems with maternal and child health activities that remain unresolved. Twenty-two public health nurses, who belonged to either public health centers located in coastal areas or to local governments in Iwate Prefecture, participated in a group interview survey. Problems with maternal and child health activities were categorized as relating to "information," "commodities," and "human support." Resolving these problems requires establishment of "close relationships with mothers and children" and" systems for safe maintenance and management of information on mothers and children" in times of peace. The "roles of public health nurses" in times of emergency must also be specified., 5, KJ00009209219, 研究報告, Reserch Report}, pages = {19--28}, title = {岩手県における東日本大震災時の母子保健活動の実態と課題}, volume = {16}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ウエバヤシ, ミホコ and キシ, エミコ and サトウ, マリ and アベ, アキコ and クロダ, ユウコ and サトウ, ムツコ and ナカイタ, イクミ and フクシマ, フジコ and ヨコヤマ, ヨシエ and ヒラノ, カヨコ} }