@article{oai:iwate-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001847, author = {鈴木, 美代子 and 井上, 都之 and 高橋, 有里 and 三浦, 奈都子 and 及川, 正広 and 平野, 昭彦 and 菊池, 和子 and Miyoko, Suzuki and Satoshi, Inoue and Takahashi, Yuri and Miura, Natsuko and Oikawa, Masahiro and Hirano, Akihiko and Kikuchi, Kazuko}, journal = {岩手県立大学看護学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of Nursing, Iwate Prefectural University}, month = {Jan}, note = {本研究の目的は,看護学生1~3年生の看護のイメージの特徴を明らかにし,その関連要因について検討することである.Osgood's の意味微分法による32項目と個人要因を用いて横断的に質問紙調査を実施した.対象者は,1年生71名,2年生89名,3年生58名の合計218名を分析対象とした.分析の結果,看護の肯定的イメージの平均得点は,1年生が最も高く,2年生は3学年で最も低い値を示した.看護のイメージについて探索的因子分析を行った結果,「社会的価値」「職業的専門性」「職業的魅力」「人間的内面性」の4因子が抽出できた.個人要因との関連では,看護職になることを目指し入学した学生は,肯定的に看護のイメージを感じており,反対に入学動機が曖昧な学生はネガティブにとらえている傾向にあった.特に「社会的価値」と「職業的魅力」因子で,1年生と2年生の間に有意差があった.その要因として看護学実習での経験が影響したものと考えられ,学習過程にそって学生個人に応じた教育的支援が重要であることが示唆された., This study aims to examine the characteristics of the image of nurses in the minds of first-, second-, and third-year nursing students, and the associated personal factors that make up this image. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted using the 32 items in Osgood's semantics differential method, and various factors associated with personal characteristics. A total of 218 (first year: 71, second year: 89, third year: 58) responses were analyzed. The analysis showed that first-year students had the most positive image of nurses, and the second-year students, the most negative. An exploratory factor analysis suggested that the image of nurses comprises four factors: "social values," "professional expertise," "professional appeal," and "human personality." The associated personal factor analysis revealed that the students who are aiming to become nurses tend to have a positive image of nurses, while those whose motivation is ambiguous tend to have a negative view. In particular, social values and professional appeal differed significantly between the first- and second-year students. We find that nursing experience is influential, and hence, suggest that it is important to provide educational support as per the individual's learning process., 6, KJ00008052200, 研究報告}, pages = {33--48}, title = {看護学生の看護のイメージと個人要因との関連について}, volume = {14}, year = {2012}, yomi = {スズキ, ミヨコ and イノウエ, サトシ and タカハシ, ユリ and ミウラ, ナツコ and オイカワ, マサヒロ and ヒラノ, アキヒコ and キクチ, カズコ} }