@article{oai:iwate-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001829, author = {上林, 美保子 and 三浦, まゆみ and 佐々木, 典子 and 石川, みち子 and 兼田, 昭子 and 姉帯, 敏子 and 阿部, 素子 and 関屋, 一博 and Uebayashi, Mihoko and Miura, Mayumi and Sasaki, Noriko and Ishikawa, Michiko and Kaneta, Akiko and Anetai, Tosiko and Abe, Motoko and Sekiya, Kazuhiro}, journal = {岩手県立大学看護学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of Nursing, Iwate Prefectural University}, month = {Jan}, note = {A県内の病床数200床以上の医療機関25ヶ所の中堅看護師1000名を対象に職務環境について38項目の質問紙調査を行い585名から回答を得た.(回収率58.5%)回答者の属性では女性が94.5%,年齢は40歳までの者が8割を占めていた.最終専門学歴は看護専門学校卒業が75%,看護師経験年数は11~15年が26.2%と最も多かった. 今回の調査の結果,A県の中堅看護師は自身の職務環境を以下のように認識していることが確認された. 1.院内研修が充実している 2.看護業務の負担が大きい 3.研修の受講や勉強会への参加が昇進やモチベーション向上に結び付いていない 4.看護部長や病院管理者との関わりは少ないと感じている 5.病院組織の一員であるという認識が薄い 6.多忙な業務の中でも「看護」という仕事にはプライドを持っている 中堅看護師のモチベーションを維持し,働きやすい環境を作っていくためには看護師長や看護部長が普段の看護行為に対する頑張りを言葉にして認めるよう気にかけたり,中堅看護師が委員会に参画することの意味を彼らのみならず病院経営者にも随時伝えていくなど看護師長や看護部長の果たす役割の大きいことが示唆された., A 38-item question-based survey was conducted on 1,000 mid-career nurses, concerning their work environments at 25 medical institutions with 200 and more beds, in a selected prefecture. Of the total nurses polled, 585 responded to the survey (collection rate of 58.5%). Female nurses accounted for 94.5% of the total respondents, and 80% of respondents were aged 40 and under. The survey found that 75% of the respondents had completed programs at vocational nursing colleges, and 26.2% had 11-15 years of nursing experience, which was the highest experience-bracket among respondents.The survey showed that the mid-career nurses in `A' Prefecture typically characterize their work environment in the following terms: 1. In-hospital training is substantial. 2. The nurses' workload is very heavy. 3. Taking training classes and participating in seminars neither increase the chances of promotion for the nurses, nor enhance their motivation. 4. The nurses lack direct involvement with the nursing directors and hospital managers. 5. There is a tendency for the nurses neither to be aware of, nor to identify with, their organization 6. Many nurses are proud of their profession, despite its great demands. The survey results suggest that nursing managers and nursing directors can play major roles in sustaining the working motivation of the mid-career nurses, while fostering a comfortable working environment. They are expected to verbally appreciate the nurses'daily efforts, and to convey the importance, to both nurses and the executive staff, of the nurses' participating in hospital committees., 5, KJ00008027259, 研究報告}, pages = {21--31}, title = {A県における中堅看護師の職務環境に対する認識}, volume = {13}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ウエバヤシ, ミホコ and ミウラ, マユミ and ササキ, ノリコ and イシカワ, ミチコ and カネタ, アキコ and アネタイ, トシコ and アベ, モトコ and セキヤ, カズヒロ} }