@article{oai:iwate-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001659, author = {浅沼, 優子 and ASANUMA, Yuko}, journal = {岩手県立大学看護学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of Nursing, Iwate Prefectural University}, month = {Mar}, note = {看護系4年制大学4年生に対し,看護管理学の授業の一部として「インシデントレポートの書き方」という授業名で授業を行った.この授業は学生参加型学習であり,ヒヤリ・ハットレポートを書く,読む,評価する,比較する,といったアクティビティを個人ワークやグループワークで行った.授業過程の評価では,「時間不足」を指摘する学生が多かった.学習効果の評価では,事前に看護専門学校で行った同授業とほぼ同様の学習効果が得られていたものの,授業のねらいのうちヒヤリ・ハットレポートを書く人を慮る点で達成されなかった.2回の授業を通して,授業案としては安定してほぼねらい通りの学習効果が得られることが示唆された.一方で,授業個別の問題として,教室の広さ,学生の状況の把握,これらを含む担当教員との事前打ち合わせの不足などの課題が明らかになった., It was conducted a class for senior students in a school of nursing using an active and participative learning strategy. The tasks were writing, reading, evaluating and correcting an incident report. The students had one of three roles: a newcomer nurse who is responsible for an incident, the head nurse responsible for the newcomer, and the risk manager of the hospital. Class activities consisted of individual role work and group work. Evaluations of the class structure and the lecturer were made by the students. Many of them reported a shortage of time in which to do the work and a lack of knowledge about the right way to write an incident report. It was thought that the classroom was too small for group work, the buzz-session, and that this made it difficult for them to concentrate. A post-class test showed that the class had some effects on the students. More post-class students considered that an incident report needed causes or/and provisions, and should be written in an intelligible manner than did pre-class students. The judgment was that the structure of this class was effective, but it lacked meeting with the course teacher about the preparation of students and the classroom., 14, KJ00004261243, 研究報告, Study Report}, pages = {93--100}, title = {大学における参加型学習法を用いた授業の実践報告 : 学生の授業評価による授業案の検討}, volume = {6}, year = {2004}, yomi = {アサヌマ, ユウコ} }